Informació bàsica

El meu nom és Ramon Hinarejos Binimelis, visc a Felanitx, tenc 18 anys, estic estudiant un Grau Superior d'Administració i Finances, i som el creador del blog "L'altre Mà".
He elaborat aquest blog per mostrar i donar a conèixer la meva empresa, "L'altre Mà", per a la població esquerrana, on m'incloc a jo mateix, creada amb l'ajuda de la meva família , on es venen productes pels esquerrans.
Aquesta empresa es troba al centre de Palma, al carrer Sant Miquel.
Per més informació, entrau diàriament al blog.
Gràcies per la vostra atenció i fins un altre.

dilluns, 15 de maig del 2017

The staff of my company

Hello, everybody!!! 

Today, I will explain my staff.
In my company  there are six workers, four of them are replenishing and placing the products on their shelves and the rest are in the boxes selling and serving customers.

When workers have their break, they can enjoy a room with a bathroom, a kitchen, chairs, a sofa and a large table, that is, with basic necessities. Once their break are over, they go back to work.

To sum up, we want to keep the workers happy while they are working and while they are at the break.

Thanks for your attention and see you soon 😉

5 comentaris:

  1. You are treating your workers very good, I think that is the key to achieve the company's goals.
    Keep doing it like this.

    1. Thanks Miquel:) I have been a worker and I take care of my workers in the way that I would like the boss to take care of me

  2. I really like your company as it is composed

  3. I hope all businessmen were like you!!
