Informació bàsica

El meu nom és Ramon Hinarejos Binimelis, visc a Felanitx, tenc 18 anys, estic estudiant un Grau Superior d'Administració i Finances, i som el creador del blog "L'altre Mà".
He elaborat aquest blog per mostrar i donar a conèixer la meva empresa, "L'altre Mà", per a la població esquerrana, on m'incloc a jo mateix, creada amb l'ajuda de la meva família , on es venen productes pels esquerrans.
Aquesta empresa es troba al centre de Palma, al carrer Sant Miquel.
Per més informació, entrau diàriament al blog.
Gràcies per la vostra atenció i fins un altre.

dijous, 25 de maig del 2017

Five advantages of being left-handed

Hello, everybody!!!

I want to tell you that we, the left-handed people, don't always have desadvantages, since we have also a day for us in this world, International Lefty Day, on August 13. This day was made by an organitation known as Lefthanded in order to raise awareness of these people.

This advantages are a few of the ones we have to be lefties:

1. We are unique in the world ( a 10%)  

2. We are more competitive and have advantages in some sports: boxing, tennis, baseball, fight (about 50% of left-handed athletes).

3. Lefties are more creative. According to Dr. Alan Searleman of St. Lawrence University in New York, "Left-handed people have superior fluency in intelligence and better vocabulary than the majority of the population." That's why there are more of them in creative professions such as music, art and writing.

4Lefties have better coordination and are more easily accommodated. The lefties have to get accustomed in everything, since the world is made for right-handed.

5. Lefties enjoy sex more, according to a Global Sex Survey conducted by the LELO underwear brand. The company explains in its portal that "left-handers are forced to find solutions to live in a world created for right-handed people. In this sense, they develop greater ingenuity and transfer it to the bedroom."

In conclusion, we have advantages in thid world, because we are unique, special and original.

A left-handed athlete

Thanks for your attention and see you soon 😁

4 comentaris:

  1. Hi Ramon!
    The truth is that being born in a world created for right-handers is complicated since you have to get used to it, you do not have another.

    1. Thanks Alejandra, the world is like this...
      See you :*

  2. Left-handed people has awesome skills, but the only thing that matters is if you love what you do.

    1. Of course Miquel, always all people have done what they want
