Informació bàsica

El meu nom és Ramon Hinarejos Binimelis, visc a Felanitx, tenc 18 anys, estic estudiant un Grau Superior d'Administració i Finances, i som el creador del blog "L'altre Mà".
He elaborat aquest blog per mostrar i donar a conèixer la meva empresa, "L'altre Mà", per a la població esquerrana, on m'incloc a jo mateix, creada amb l'ajuda de la meva família , on es venen productes pels esquerrans.
Aquesta empresa es troba al centre de Palma, al carrer Sant Miquel.
Per més informació, entrau diàriament al blog.
Gràcies per la vostra atenció i fins un altre.

dimarts, 4 d’abril del 2017

A little information about me

Hello everybody!!!

Today is Tuesday, the week continues and every time my business has more future =)
To start talking about me, I'll tell you that I have a twin brother who is studying at the UIB and also I have a little dog, Linda.

On the other hand, I play football in S'Horta, a town of Mallorca, and I am the goalkeeper of the team.
My idol of the football is Gianluigi Donnarumma 
(25/02/1999), since with only 18 years old, he is the goalkeeper of A.C Milan, of Serie A of Italia. He became the goalkeeper of the team with 16 years.
Gianluigi Donnarumma
 Well, this is a little biography about me and, with this, I say goodbye.

Thanks you for your attention and see you soon 😊

4 comentaris:

  1. hello Ramon, is very beautiful Gianluigi. Could you show us a picture of your brother? kises.

    1. Hello Antonia. Yes, I could, one day I will show you a picture of my brother. Bye,one kiss

  2. It's always good to know a bit more about you Ramon! being a goal keeper is a very important labour.
